Monday 27 April 2009

kanoko pants

kanoko pants
Originally uploaded by The Haske Family
I used the pattern for kanoko pants but adapted it slightly to create loose fitting shorts that will work as a cloth diaper cover for the summer. This is my first time working with malabrigo wool and I am really impressed with how beautiful this wool is to use. The down side was that the shorts seemed to stretch with the first wash, although I felt like I was being really careful. I ended up drying them in a machine to shrink/felt them slightly and they actually turned out beautifully.
This is a really easy pattern to follow and all I needed to do was add increases on one more row to accomodate bulky cloth diapers. They look more like a skirt than shorts on my daughter at the moment, but hopefully they will then last her through the summer, as I have allowed for growth room.

baby surprise jacket

I finally finished this and now have the elizabeth zimmerman bug. I can't decide what to make next, but i know that there will be at least one more BSJ in store in the near future.
This one was made using a yarn spun from sugar cane fibers! It is a beautiful yarn and hand dyed in gentle blues, greens and purples. It looks lovely as a jacket but hangs in a strange way and I needed to stretch it to make this pattern work. I would like to try and make the pattern next time using regular wool to see how different the end result will be.

Saturday 4 April 2009


Originally uploaded by The Haske Family
I have decided to return to knitting for a while. I started this hat when I was still pregnant but was not enjoying it so packed it away and stopped knitting. It was supposed to be a 'medusa hat' but I was getting so frustrated with knitting the snakey bits. I decided instead to know them and then just make up the has as I went along. I played around with decreasing on one side so that the point would fall in a certain direction. I learned a lot and am pleased with how it turned out. It was very freeing to turn away from following a pettern. It was a lot of fun, made more fun by now knowing the baby that will wear it! I made it a bit big so that she can wear it next winter.

Maia is also wearing some pants that I knitted her. Now that I am venturing into trying wool diaper covers I decided t try and knit some myself. These were my first try, made from a blend or alpaca & mohair. I am not that pleased with them as I think the yarn is not really hardy enough for baby pants. I also wish that I had chosen the "knit in the round" pattern instead of knitting each leg separately. I used the pattern from tiny birds organics. It was a great pattern to follow and I will definately try again (with modifications).

Next up are a pair of bell bottom pants and the infamous Elizabeth Zimmerman Baby Surprise Jacket, using some great yarn made from sugar cane!